Vijai K S Shukla
President-IFSC, Denmark
University of Minnesota
Dr. Vijai Shukla is an Indian-Danish food scientist, Researcher and Professor in lipidology, and a central figure in the study of essential fatty acids. He is also the President of the International Food Science Center based in Denmark, Fellow of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) and Adjunct Professor to the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at University of Minnesota. Dr. Vijai K S Shukla is author of nearly 100 original scientific publications, 12 invited review papers, 15 book chapters in the areas of biochemistry, human nutrition, cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, enzymology, modern analytical techniques for the separation of lipids and proteins. He is the editor of six books.
Research Interest
Dr. Vijai K S Shukla research interests have ranged from physical phenomena to mechanism of autoxidation, isolation of lipids, spectral phenomena related to lipids, modern analytical methodology and involvement of essential fatty acids in health and diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Batten's syndrome. He has shown essential fatty acid deficiency in multiple sclerosis and Batten's disease. These were related with glutathione peroxidase activity and antioxidants requirements in these diseases. He has also analyzed arctic diet in Greenland Eskimos and compared with Danes elucidating some of the mechanism of coronary heart diseases in these population groups. In his research work, Dr. Shukla employs modern analytical methodology in order to resolve various scientific problems.