George Siragakis
Co - Owner Food Allergens Lab
University of Patras
Chemist from University of Patras , Msc in Quality Assurance. Technical Director and co-founder of Food Allergens Lab (analytical laboratory dedicated in food analysis). Thirty years experience on olive oil analysis (QA mamager of Minerva Oleic the greatest Greek extra virgin olive oil Industry). Reviewer of Journal of American Oils Chemistry Society. Member of : Greek National Supreme Chemical Council, Scientific Committee of National Greek Olive Oil Festival, Horizontal Committee of Greek Accreditation Body (ESYD). President of Organizing Committee of Greek National Biotechnology & Food Technology Congress. Greek National Representative in European TWG/FDM (IPPC Directive), Euro Lipid Forum, World Science Poultry Association, Board of Hellenic Chemists Association. 55 Publications mainly on olive oil ( Scopus H index 4). Honored by the MedDiet 2005 award. Presentations in Congresses of Euro Lipid Forum, AOAC, AOCS, WSPA.
Research Interest
Food safety, Food assurance